“Originally released in 1982, Cutting Edge shows the band morphing into a streamlined stadium rock band in the order of Kansas, Toto or Styx. Production is slicker, keyboards are prominent and those horns from their earlier albums are completely gone. Fortunately, the important stuff remained – rhythm, big vocals and hooks, hooks and more hooks! Sweet Comfort Band scores another commercial hit and artistic triumph! This Limited Edition re-issue comes packaged in a full color digipak with enhanced original artwork and is properly remastered for a high quality audio experience!” -Retroactive Records
Out-of-print classic featuring Bryan Duncan and Randy Thomas (Allies), with a guest appearance by Bob Carlisle. For fans of Petra, Prodigal, Allies, Kansas, Toto and Whiteheart.
Runnin’ To Win
What Have You Got?
Falling In Love With You
Haven’t Seen You
Breakdown Love
Changed Hearts
Live It
What Did It Mean?
Armed And Ready